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    Facial rejuvenation

    We offer a wide range of services to improve the health and appearance of your skin. This will help make your healthy smile stand out even more. HYDRA-BRASION. Similar principle to microdermabrasion, without the damaging abrasion. It uses a gentle vacuum to unclog the pores. Helps reduce fine lines. Proven to improve the appearance and integrity of the skin. At the same time puts water and enzymes into the skin to remove the dead skin on the surface. ENZYME MASKS. Accelerate the sloughing of the old skin and the replacement with new skin through a process of controlled skin damage. Different products penetrate to differing depths. As such will have different results, and downtime. - The different masks will address different issues. LED LIGHT THERAPY. Uses low-level light energy to speed up cellular metabolism and activity, by triggering a chemical reaction in the skin. It is extremely safe and has no downtime. The LED colour correlates to the condition requiring treatment. COLLAGEN INDUCTION THERAPY Also known as a 'Vampire Facial'. Concentrated Growth Factor is injected into the skin using a Dermapen. This leads to increased collagen and elastin production in the skin. Resulting in firmer, healthier looking skin.